How Does PrTMS Work?

how does tms work

PrTMS works to restore brain health and promote healthy neural activity to improve neurological and psychiatric conditions like depression, anxiety, autism, PTSD, and others.

The What is PrTMS page on our website discusses the benefits of PrTMS Therapy and many of the conditions it successfully treats.

Personalized Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (PrTMS) is an enhanced version of traditional TMS Therapy.

It is a safe and non-invasive therapeutic approach that uses repetitive magnetic pulses to stimulate specific areas of the brain.

The magnetic pulses target areas of the brain associated with mood and other cognitive functions to correct abnormal brain activity.

Repetitive stimulation regulates neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate, and balances dysfunctional neural circuits. It also heightens neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to change, adapt, and recover.

What is the PrTMS Treatment Process?

The PrTMS treatment process is more thorough and detailed than traditional TMS Therapy and involves the following steps.

  1. Initial Brainwave Assessment

The initial phase begins with a thorough brainwave and neurocognitive assessment. The assessment identifies any irregular brainwave patterns that may be causing the patient’s condition or symptoms.

  1. Treatment Plan

Based on the initial assessment, a personalized treatment plan is created that outlines the frequency and intensity of the magnetic pulses to be used, as well as the duration of recommended treatment sessions.

  1. Review and Approval

The personalized treatment plan is reviewed and approved by a qualified PrTMS provider to ensure it is safe and appropriate for each patient’s condition.

  1. Treatment Sessions

When the PrTMS sessions begin, magnetic pulses are delivered to targeted areas of the brain as outlined by the treatment plan recommendations. The treatment sessions are typically performed over a period of several weeks.

  1. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment

Throughout the treatment process, the patient’s response to therapy is closely monitored and the treatment plan is adjusted as needed to optimize the results.

prtms treatment
how does prtms work

How are Brainwave Patterns Assessed and Monitored?

PrTMS uses technologies and questionnaires to provide a comprehensive assessment of each person’s brainwave patterns, mental health condition, and areas of improvement to focus on during treatment.

  1. EEG Brain Mapping

PrTMS uses EEG Brain Mapping technology to evaluate and assess each person’s unique brainwave patterns and activity. An Electroencephalogram (EEG) reviews 19 areas of the brain related to emotions and cognitive function.

An EEG brain map is quick, painless, and noninvasive, and it measures brainwave activity through sensors placed on the scalp.

  1. Diagnosing Irregular Brainwave Activity

The EEG assessment will identify areas of the brain associated with abnormal brainwave patterns and activity that may be causing mental health conditions and symptoms. This data will be used for developing a treatment plan.

  1. Questionnaire

Each patient completes a written questionnaire to provide information about their condition and symptoms. This information, combined with the EEG mapping results, is necessary for creating a customized treatment plan.

  1. Proprietary Software Analysis

PrTMS uses proprietary software and algorithms developed by PeakLogic to analyze the brainwave assessment data. This analysis creates an individualized treatment plan that is customized for each person’s unique brain function.

The treatment plan identifies the specific areas of the brain to target during treatment, as well as the frequency and intensity of magnetic stimulation during treatment.

  1. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment

During the course of PrTMS, the sessions are continuously monitored, and new EEGs are performed to evaluate changes in brainwave patterns and activity related to treatment. The brain location targeting, frequency, and intensity are all adjusted accordingly to optimize the results and further improve cognitive function.

how does a prtms session work
how prtms works

How Does a PrTMS Session Work?

The patient remains awake during the entire session and can wear earplugs while sitting comfortably in a chair as the PrTMS technician places the magnetic coil over the head.

The PrTMS device is positioned against the scalp at the precise locations determined by the EEG assessment to target specific areas of the brain that require stimulation.

The device makes clicking sounds and the client will feel a faint tapping sensation on the scalp while the coil is transmitting magnetic pulses, followed by a pause, and then tapping will resume.

PrTMS sessions generally last for 20 to 60 minutes depending on the treatment plan, the condition being treated, and the individual needs of each patient.

Most patients receive five PrTMS sessions per week as outlined in the treatment plan. After approximately five sessions, a new EEG assessment will be performed to evaluate the patient’s response to treatment and adjust the targeting location, frequency, and intensity of the next round of sessions.

Many people notice an improvement of symptoms within a few sessions, and this continues as therapy progresses.

There is no downtime from the procedure and normal activities can be resumed immediately after each session.

To learn more about how PrTMS works to improve brain functioning and mental health conditions, contact Alyne Wellness at (805) 405-3309.